Shakespeare othello black magic
Shakespeare othello black magic

shakespeare othello black magic

References of magic are used to define Desdemona's love for Othello. Print.Repeated Image Clusters of Love and Magic in Othello Arthur David Hash Western World Literature In Othello love is made to be deceitful and evil, spawned from magic. Othello, Thorello, ad the problem of the foolish hero. Slander, Renissance Discourses of Sodomy, and Othello. This play is relevant to society even today and is a challenge to individuals who let jealousy and hatred lead them to commit evils in society. It drives us to the realities of life in the battle for power and love and brings out the effect of jealousy that is sheer betrayal. Such are the sacrifices people make for love (Shakespeare 20). Roderigo is also madly in love with Desdemona and he loses everything he has in the race to win her heart. Unfortunately, Iago breaks the love for the two and tears them apart in death. Othello loves and adores her and he cannot take the pain of losing her to another man. She commits her life to support Othello in his war assignments. She rejects other rich and white suitors to marry a black soldier. Desdemona chooses to disobey her father and marry the Moor, Othello. Othello and Desdemona are truly in love with each other (225). In addition, as evident in Kolin, love is illustrated in the play. Millia, Iago’s wife betrays him as she constantly cheats on him (Matz 262). Othello betrays the love of his wife by not believing her innocence. Othello cannot bear the pain of betrayal from his wife, therefore kills her, and later kills himself. Iago sets up Cassio by getting him drunk and utilizing his ability to seduce women and fixes him to having an affair with Othello’s wife. He also awakens jealousy in Othello by making him believe that his wife was having an affair with the lieutenant, Cassio. In cypress, Iago turns Roderigo against Cassio by convincing him that Cassio and Desdemona were having an affair. Iago deceives him that he would help him win Desdemona. As part of his plan, Iago convinces Roderigo to sell his property and follow them to Cypress so that he can fight for the woman he loves. Othello leaves immediately for Cypress whereas Iago and his wife Millia are supposed to follow Othello to Cypress taking along Desdemona. The setting shifts to Cypress where Othello is send on a war mission. However, Othello’s wins the case because Desdemona admits to willingly having fallen in love with Othello and therefore the claims that Othello used black magic were false. First, he incites Roderigo to slander Othello before the senator (Millard 44). He holds a grudge against Othello for not promoting him to the lieutenant post. On the contrary, Iago admits to hating Othello but faking honesty to him. Iago is Othello’s ensign, and Othello regards him highly as an honest and trustworthy man. He incites Roderigo to slander Othello before Brabantio the senator, who is Desdemona’s father (McDonald 56).īetrayal is the main theme in this play. Iago uses Roderigo, who is madly in love with Desdemona in his plot against Othello.

shakespeare othello black magic

He however earns respect from almost everyone because of his bravery and expertise in war. Desdemona rejected many suitors and finally settled for Othello who is a foreigner. Othello gets married to a senator’s daughter in the first scene of the play but he does this secretly as the senator does not approve of their marriage He marries Desdemona whom he adores for her nobility and character. Iago uses the weaknesses of others to destroy Othello. Iago does not like the fact that Othello chose Cassio as a lieutenant over him (King 50). His ensign, Iago fakes loyalty to him but plots his downfall.

shakespeare othello black magic

Othello is the main character and is the hero of the piece. This play exposes the evils that are rampant in society concerning love and the quest for power. The title is from the main character’s name. Othello is one of Shakespeare’s drama works.

Shakespeare othello black magic